Woodton Primary School

Part of the Ellingham VC & Woodton Primary School Federation


Years 3 & 4

Welcome to Sycamores, please feel free to speak to us if you have any concerns, this can be done via the school office or through Class Dojo.

Class Teacher

Mrs Hinton

Teaching Assistnat

Mrs Richardson

Things for Sycamores to remember:

Monday Reading book and reading record book

Reading record checked today

Tuesday Reading book and reading record book
Wednesday Come to school in PE kit

Reading book and reading record book

Thursday Come to school in PE kit

Reading book and reading record book

Friday Forest Schools (every other half term)

Reading book and reading record book

Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS)

All children have their own logins for TTRS.  Remember to go on and practise your tables at home!

Remember to go on Spelling Shed and practise your spellings.