Our topic for the Autumn term in Sycamores is Terrible Tudors.
In English we are writing a narrative using the book ‘Journey’ as our inspiration. This is a beautiful picture book therefore offers everyone the opportunity to use their inference and imagination skills to create some fantastic sentences. We will explore simililes, metaphors, fronted adverbials and personifcation.
We will complete daily reading comprehensions which will cover a variety of topics including Plants and Bible Stories. These will also give all children the opportunity to read aloud to support fluency and understanding.
As Mathmeticians we will be looking at Place Value, understanding the importance and value of each column. We will look at numbers up to 1000 (Year 3) and 10,000 (Year 4) and will apply our prior knowledge and maths skills in partitioning these numbers. We will also begin to look at addition and subtraction with and without exchange.
We are also working hard as a class on our timestables which will continue to be a focus throughout the year.
This half term, as Historians we will be learning about The Tudors. We will be using evidence to understand what Henry VIII was really like! As part of this investigation we will explore the difference between primary and secondary sources of evidence. We will look at what inventories tell us about life in Tudor times and from this create a realistic inventory for a person living in Tudor times.
As Scientists this half term we will be studying the parts of a plant. We will identify, describe, and investiage the functions of a plant through experimenting and observing over time.
In Art we will be sketching, using tone and to creare shade on our pictures.
In Music we will be looking at reggae music looking at the diffewrence between pulse and rhythm and how this can be heard within reggae music.
In RE our big question is ‘Where do Christian beliefs come from?’, we will be looking at the importance of the bible to Christians and understanding what is contained within the bible.
In Computing we will be looking at how a digital device works and how they help us in our lives today.
In PE we will be doing football and completing a unit of work looking at working socially as a team.